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Our Australian mammals team provide care for a variety of Australian species including the endangered brush-tailed and yellow-footed rock wallabies. A number of the Aussie species enjoy eating pellets from our visitors’ hands. Our wombats are a breeding group, and up-close encounters are available with them at times.



The Latin name Canis lupus dingo which means they are considered a subspecies of the wolf – Canis lupus. While dog like in many aspects of their behaviour, in captivity they remain aloof, more like the relationship many people describe with cats. It has been proposed that the dogs either arrived with early sea farers 3,500 years ago or walked across a land bridge much earlier, anywhere between 4,500 and 18,000 years ago. The alpine dingoes of eastern Victoria grow a second coat in winter, just like a fleecy jumper, and they shed this again in summer. Hybridisation with domestic dogs is a threat to their existence as a species. Naturally they live in packs of up to ten with a dominant female and her mate as pack leaders. They hunt kangaroos and other prey cooperatively as a pack. While a threatened species, conflict with stock farmers can see dingoes legally controlled. Wild dingoes make wolf-like bark-howl calls but some domesticated dingoes do learn to bark. Our dingoes meet their keepers with a melody of howls every morning. Once a year, females typically give birth to around five offspring after a gestation period of around two months. Baby dingoes are called pups. At 6 to 8 months, the pups are fully grown and ready to separate from their mother. At 3 years, they find a mate and often mate for life.

Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby

Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby

The most beautifully coloured wallaby, the yellow-footed choose to live on rocky outcrops where they are adapted to bound effortlessly across the rocks. They will drink water if available but can survive for much of the year without water by obtaining it from their food. They’re usually best seen in the early morning or late afternoon basking on rocky ledges in the sun.

There are two populations, about 2000 animals in South Australia and another 200 in New South Wales. Their decline was due to introduced foxes and feral cats as well as competition for food from domestic stock and fires. Significant effort by conservation agencies including a captive breed and release programme by zoos has seen the species gradually increase in numbers. Aboriginal landowners have managed a very successful conservation programme in South Australia. The bounce back of the species in the Flinders Ranges has been exceptional with park visitors now regularly seeing the species in the ranges.

The Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby has played a key role in Zoos South Australia’s highly successful wallaby cross-foster program. Under this program a critically endangered Victorian Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby joey is removed from its mother and fostered by a Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby. This in turn allows the critically endangered Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby to give birth to another joey approximately 30 days later increasing the amount of offspring one female can produce in a year. The surrogacy program has assisted in building the population of the species with less than 60 individuals remaining in the wild.



Once widely distributed across the southwest of Western Australia and offshore islands, these small marsupials now exist on two offshore islands and one small mainland population. The arrival of dingoes and more recently foxes and cats have all impacted quokka numbers. Fire is a serious threat to their small populations. They are closely related to kangaroos and wallabies with young growing in the mothers pouch. They are herbivores and it is not uncommon for them to climb tree stems to feed on leaves. Often referred to as the “worlds happiest animals” they are famous on social media for what appears to be a smile on their faces. They are resilient with fat stored in their tails in times of plenty and able to go weeks at a time without water while they get their water from the plants they eat. Unlike many of the kangaroos and wallabies, quokkas are not territorial and aggressive to each other.

Southern hairy-nosed Wombat

Southern hairy-nosed Wombat

The southern hairy-nosed wombat is the smallest one of three existing species of wombats in Australia. They are a stout and robust animal with strong claws adapted to digging. Despite their slow appearance they can run up to 40kmh, faster than the majority of people. Distributed patchily in areas of semi-arid shrubland and Mallee, populations are highly fragmented. The greatest threat to the species is currently Sarcoptic mange as can occur in our domestic pets. In some areas mange has killed off up to 80% of the population. The species lives in extensive underground burrow systems which can contain several individuals. Females produce a single young that lives in the pouch for six to seven months and is weaned after about a year, although in drought years reproduction may cease completely. Their teeth continue to grow throughout their entire life which is required due to the tough and abrasive vegetation that they feed on. They are a long-lived species reaching up to 15 years in the wild but they breed at a slow rate.

Kangaroo Island Kangaroo

Kangaroo Island Kangaroo

The Kangaroo Island Kangaroo is a sub-species of the Western Grey Kangaroo. As a result of a prolonged period of isolation from mainland Australia, the Kangaroo Island Kangaroo is noticeably different from other Western Grey species. Due to the Kangaroo Island landscape, this species have adapted to being shorter, stockier and a darker chocolate-brown colour. They characteristically have darker tips, such as ears, paws, feet and tails. Both males and females become sexually mature at around 20 months old and under ideal conditions the population can double in 2 years. Young stay in the pouch for 40-45 weeks, gradually spending more time out than in. If a mother loses a pouch young, she comes into oestrus (becomes fertile again) within 6 days and will then mate again. Dominant males have a strong scent gland on their chest, which they use to physically mark their territory. Within each mob, there is one male leader, or ‘the boss’, who visits each female and assesses their reproductive status. Young males often spar and older males owill fight over females. This includes “boxing” and leaning back on their tails and then kicking each other with their powerful hindlimbs.

Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby

Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby

Listed as threatened, the Brush-tailed rock-wallaby occurs in fragmented populations roughly following the Great Dividing Range from southwest Queensland to western Victoria’s Grampians. They live on rocky escarpments, granite outcrops and cliffs, which have caves and ledges for shelter.

The population declined greatly after European settlement when people hunted the species for their pelts. Foxes are well known to prey on brush-tails and have been the primary reason for the failure of some of the attempts to release into the wild.

It was estimated in 2020 that there were less than 100 Southern Brush-tailed Rock-wallabies left in the wild in Australia. The Southern Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby (sub-species) program was established in 1996 when there was estimated to be about 40 left in the wild. The initial focus was to build up a captive population as quickly as possible for re-introduction. To achieve this a technique called cross-fostering of joeys to yellow-footed rock wallabies was used to rapidly accelerate breeding. The technique was highly successful – the captive population grew enough to allow for the first trial re-introduction in 2008 in the Grampians National Park. This method improved the understanding of reintroductions developing novel approaches for improving reintroduction success. Large fenced, and predator proof areas, such as Mount Rothwell, are proving very successful in breeding numbers of this species. Genetic diversity is a challenge for this species and scientists have been working on a programme to maximise genetic diversity.

The population at our zoo are part of the original captive breeding programme to act as an insurance against the extinction of the species.

Red-necked Wallaby

Red-necked Wallaby

A common species through the Grampians region but unlike kangaroos, wallabies do not form large mobs and are usually found singularly or in small groups. Also known in Tasmania as the Bennett’s Wallaby, they have longer ears than those of others of the kangaroo family and swivel their ears to pick up soft sounds.

Males are aggressive towards each other and fight by “boxing”. Groups are known as a mob, herd or troop. They cool off by licking their paws and forearms in hot weather and hold these wet areas out towards a breeze. Wallabies feed on tough vegetation and their teeth grow like an elephant’s, with new molars pushing old ones out of the mouth eventually and replacing them. During their lifetime they grow four sets of teeth.

Swamp Wallaby

Swamp Wallaby

Also known as the Black Wallaby, they are usually solitary and seldom venture far from forest and bracken. A female can have two joeys developing internally. At birth, the joey weighs less than 1g and spends about 8 months in its mother’s pouch. A suckling newborn temporarily halts the development of the second embryo which remains dormant until the first young is ready to leave the pouch. When alarmed they stamp their feet for several bounds, as a warning to others of potential danger. Their gait differs from other wallabies, with the swamp wallaby carrying its head low and its tail out straight. A highly productive species with the females constantly pregnant throughout its lifetime with a joey in the pouch and the next embryo already growing internally.


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🍀We are open every day this long weekend 🍀

Come and meet our animals, all our encounters are available this weekend (unless already booked), grab an ice cold drink from our food van 🧋 and enjoy seeing our animals exploring their enclosures in the sunshine ☀️ 

#longweekend  #longweekendadventures #melbourne #hallsgapzoo #nationalpark #hallsgap #grampiansnationalpark #visitmelbourne
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Fast Fact Friday’s subject for week 4 is our Meerkats, which is infact a type of mongoose, rather than a type of cat.

😎 Meerkats are highly observant and will use their long tail like a tripod with their legs to maintain a steady stance and higher vantage point. 

😎 They live in groups of up to 30 individuals, where they will take turns in each role within the mob. This includes caring for the young, foraging or hunting, and sentry duty (standing guard for predators such snakes or eagles). 

😎 Meerkat eyes are surrounded by dark circles to reduce glare from the sun. These ‘natural sunglasses’ allow them to spot predators easier in the open desert.

😎 They dig ‘bolt holes’ which are safe trenches for them to escape to in emergencies when they are foraging. 

Our cheeky boys love their peas and corn. Hence, we had to name one of them Peas and his Brother was dubbed Corn.
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✨✨Have you ever wanted to meet and have a photo with the Queen of selfies? ✨✨ 

We are very excited to announce that encounters with Ember our little Quokka are starting this long weekend. 
Come and meet Ember and as you are chatting to her keepers about all things Quokkas you can pat her and try to get the best Quokka selfie you can. 

Please email to book in as we only have limited spots available. 
Encounter time will be at 3pm every day. 
Participants must be 4 years and older (4-7 year olds must have paying guardian with them).
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Today we celebrated World Wildlife Day. It is a day to recognise all our fauna and flora and the role they play in our ecosystems. 
We are so lucky to have all these animals to share this planet with and without them our world changes, we need to make sure we do everything we can to protect them.
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For week 3 of Fast Fact Friday, we are focused on Dragons, Gippsland Water Dragons to be precise. 
🦎They typically live in groups with a dominant male, many females and young of all ages.
🦎 Water Dragons can lay up to 18 eggs in a single clutch. 
🦎 Like the name suggests these reptiles love the water and can hold their breath underwater for over an hour and they use this tactic to evade predators.

Next time you are visiting see how many you can count.
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Knuckles has the right idea spending the hot day having his lunch delivered to him while taking a swim. 📸 Supervisor Mila
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Welcome to week 2 of Fast Fact Friday. 
This week we are looking at the fascinating Wedge-Tailed Eagle. 

🪶 Wedge-Tailed Eagles are Australia’s largest bird of prey and one of the world’s largest eagle, with an average wingspan of 2.3m.

🪶They build nests 1.8m across by 3m deep and will reuse these nests in following breeding seasons while continuing to add to them.

🪶Wedge-Tailed Eagle juveniles are a light brown colour and will darken as they get older. 

Photo of our beautiful Hummer who is with us as he is unable to be returned to the wild after sustaining injuries from being hit by a car. 

📸 Keeper Haylee 

#nationalpark #hallsgapzoo #visitmelbourne #melbourne #grampiansnationalpark #hallsgap #wedgetailedeagle
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Welcome to our first week of Fast Fact Friday.
Each week we will post new facts about a species we have here at the zoo. We want to share our beautiful animals with you and together we can explore what makes them so unique. 
Obviously, we had to start with this animal. Who else? The Cheetah! The fastest land animal.
-Cheetahs can accelerate into a 112km/h sprint in only 3 seconds, but they cannot maintain high speeds for more than a minute. 
- The Cheetah’s spots are designed for camouflage while hiding and during hunting and each Cheetah has a unique pattern in their spots. 
-Cheetahs do not roar instead they purr just like our domestic cats at home. 

Despite being very fast, they spend a lot of their time resting and lying in wait for the right moment to chase prey, you will see our boys lazing around in the sun and surveying their area. 

What animals would you like to have featured in Fast Fact Friday? Comment below.
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Running low on personal space after these school holidays? (Our Redneck Wallaby mum knows how you feel) Hop on in to the zoo today to let the kids run off some steam so they sleep well and are ready for the new school year. The weather is going to be perfect to see all the animals out and about. 

📸 Keeper Sherrin 

 #grampians #grampiansvictoria #grampiansnationalpark #schoolholidays #schoolholidaysmelbourne #hallsgap #hallsgapzoo #hallsgapvictoria
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Bristles would like to let everyone know we are open everyday this long weekend from 10am-5pm. Bring the kids for a nice day out before school is back. We have keeper talks planned, encounters will be running and our food van will be open for coffees, drinks and hot food.  We can’t wait to see all of you .  #hallsgapzoo #grampians #visitmelbourne #victoria #visitvictoria #redpanda
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We would like to introduce our new babies.  Firstly we have 2 baby elk calves that you might  be lucky enough to get a glimpse of. Mum will usually keep the babies in the thick bush for the first few weeks to keep them safe and as they get older they start venturing out more, they are born with spots and without a scent so they don’t attract any predators. 
We also have a beautiful baby Quokka keepers named Ember she is not on display just yet but be sure to keep an eye out on socials on when she will make her debut.  #hallsgapzoo #grampians #visitmelbourne #victoria #visitvictoria #quokka #elk
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Come and enjoy some up close encounters with our animals and while our keepers talk to you about facts and individual personalities you can:

😍Have a Red Panda walk across your lap, 
😱Pat a rhino, 
😄Hold a lizard, 
🤭Feed a cheetah, 
🤗Get kisses from the dingoes, 
😮Feel small standing next to our giraffe 
🥰Hold an otters hand
🤪Deal with the craziness of our meerkat mob 
🤗Or walk our baby wombat

If you’ve had encounters what has been your favourite?

Check out the link below for more information and it is always best to pre book as some encounters are limited to only 2 people a day.
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From Tuesday the 7th of January at 10am we officially reopen to visitors. It has been a long 17 days of being closed so our animals are so excited to see you all. Encounters will be up and running so please call to book or arrive early to avoid disappointment. 
#hallsgapzoo #grampians #visitmelbourne
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🎄✨ Merry Christmas from our zoo family to yours! 🎅🏼🐾

We’d like to thank you all for your amazing support throughout the year—your love for the animals and our work means the world to us!

Just a friendly reminder, the zoo is closed today.

Wishing you a joyful day filled with love, laughter, and a little wild magic. 🌟🦒🐆

- The Halls Gap Zoo Team
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